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Overcoming the Most Common Obstacles To A Good Street Sweeping Service

A professional company should always aim to do its best to deliver excellent street sweeping services. To do so, calls for overcoming some obstacles or challenges that come with the job. A reliable company will muster all the resources required and work on strategies to overcome said challenges.

Your Part

The good news is that you, as the general public, can do a lot to help with taking care of some of these challenges. What can you do to make things easier on the street sweeping crew?

  1. Park Elsewhere 

You should know better than to park your vehicle on the street on days when your street is scheduled for sweeping. Even the most skilled of street sweeper operators may have some difficulty maneuvering their way around a parked vehicle. The sheer size of the sweepers make these tight maneuvers close to impossible.

Moreover, you will have a ticket to pay if you don’t make plans to park elsewhere on the scheduled street sweeping days.

  1. Stay Back

As a motorist or cyclist on the road, always keep a safe distance between you and the sweepers. You should, at all times, avoid maneuvering around the sweepers. Yes, they can be awfully slow, which is why you should be very patient. If need be, you may have to move off to the side of the road first and let the sweepers do their job.

Off the road, ensure that children and pets also keep a safe distance from the sweepers. Keep an eye out on them to ensure that they do not run into the path of the sweepers, or play with them.

  1. Watch Your Garbage Bin Placement 

Strictly adhere to any laid out rules on the placement of garbage bins. These garbage collection bins can be a large obstruction if they find their way onto the direct path of the street sweepers.

 It’s not uncommon to find dogs and other pets dragging these bins onto the road. If this happens, the street sweeping crew will have to put in some extra effort to first get the containers out of the road before going about their main job.

  1. Trimming Trees

Overhanging tree branches on your street can stand in the way of the crew getting to your curb for a thorough clean. If these branches fall off onto the roadway, they’ll also present a big problem as they can damage the street sweepers.

You can organize for the trimming down of the trees lining up your street, and especially those with large overhanging limbs. It simplifies access for the street sweeping crew.

  1. Rally For Street and Road Maintenance

Roads with potholes and cracks can be especially challenging to clean. All kinds of debris will hide in these crevices, and the street sweeping crew will have to do much more to get a good sweep. In some cases, this may involve the use of specialized equipment.

Maintaining roads and streets is a mandate of the municipality. The general public can rally and call for the council to act. It has worked before, and in more areas than one. Adding your signature to a petition, or voicing your concern to the relevant authorities is an excellent place to start.

What Professionals Do

There is also another class of challenges that the company itself has to take care of in order to deliver the best quality of service. Among the things that experts do include the following

Regular Equipment Maintenance

It’s difficult to achieve a good sweep if the street sweeping equipment is not at its best. A professional company will ensure that they not only have the right equipment but that it is well-maintained at all times.

Every piece of equipment is inspected before it is dispatched to any job site. The company can have an in-house technical team for the job or leave the maintenance to outsourced experts.

The Best Trained Team

Some street sweeping jobs can be especially challenging. It also takes excellent skills and some experience to operate the sweeper units safely.

Ensuring that the crew comprises of highly trained and experienced operators is a near-guarantee of good results. A professional company will have a rigorous recruitment and hiring process in place to ensure they get only the best people for the job.

In Conclusion

Street sweeping is not without its challenges. Some of these challenges you can help the company to overcome, others fall entirely on the street sweeping company.

The bottom line, however, remains that deliberate effort has to go towards overcoming these challenges. And with the challenges out of the way, you can confidently look forward to a great street sweeping service.


By | 2020-05-25T05:01:38+00:00 May 25th, 2020|Road Sweeper|
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